Celebration – Easter Trivia

There are so many traditions and custom celebrated during the Easter season.  The origin and history of some the most famous events are listed below: the White House Easter Egg Roll and the New York Easter Parade.  Also, check out some trivia concerning our favorite candies used to fill our Easter baskets: Peeps and Cadbury Eggs.

White House Egg Roll 2012The White House Easter Egg Roll

In the United States there is an annual event held on the White House lawn the first Monday after Easter.  In 1814, Dolley Madison, the wife of President James Madison, invited hundreds of children to bring their decorated eggs and join in games on the grounds of the United States Capitol.  In 1877, when a new lawn was planted the event was cancelled.  Subsequently, Congress passed a law making it illegal to use the grounds as a children’s playground.  In 1878, President Rutherford Hayes brought the event to the White House but during Franklin Roosevelt’s presidency the tradition was abandoned and later to be revived by during President Dwight Eisenhower’s administration.  The Egg Roll is a race where children push an egg through the grass with a long-handled spoon across the White House lawn.  The event is attended every year by a large crowd of children and their parents invited by special invitation or selected by a lottery system.  Activities include speeches, book readings, exhibits of decorated Easter eggs and appearances by the President and his family, members of Congress and even famous celebrities but the highlight is always the Easter Bunny.

SPECIAL NOTE: This famous American event was featured in a scene in the 2007 film, “National Treasures: Book of Secrets”.

The New York Easter Parade

Wearing new clothes for Easter has been a tradition since ancient times.  The Pagans celebrated the vernal equinox with a celebration to honor Ostera, the Goddess of Spring, and they believed that wearing new clothes brought them good luck.  In Christianity, during Easter many Christians were baptized and they wore white linen robes to symbolize rebirth and new life.  The Roman Emperor Constantine declared that his court wear their finest new clothes in celebration at Easter.  The tradition eventually evolved to mark the end of Lent, during a time when people would wear the same clothes for weeks, and finally would discard their old clothes for new ones.

Starting as a spontaneous, informal and unorganized event in the 1870s, the New York Easter Parade on Fifth Avenue quickly became an American cultural tradition on Easter Sunday.  The event developed when the New York City churches would decorate their sanctuaries with elaborate floral displays for Easter.  After church, the wealthy New Yorkers, dressed in their new, fashionable clothing with the women wearing their elaborate hats, would try to impress each other with their finery as they stroll down Fifth Avenue walking from one church to the other to see the impressive floral displays.

Over the years, the annual Easter Parade became an important event on the New York social calendar.  By 1900, merchants and milliners began to link their advertisements to the event in hopes of increasing their retail sales.  Not everyone was comfortable with these displays of wealth and extravagance.  Comparisons were made to bring attention to the hardships and working conditions of the sweatshop employees who produced the wealthy consumer’s Easter finery.  During the Great Depression, unemployed workers paraded in their worn clothing and carrying banners that called attention to troubles.  It was pointed out that the cost of a single elaborate gown was equal to a year of welfare for an unemployed worker and their family.

By the mid-20th century, any connection to the religious aspects of the Easter parade had faded.  The community event had changed from a parade of refinement based in a religious celebration to become a reflection of the American’s new idea that a person’s choice of clothing was only linked to their status and wealth.  The decline in attendance continued until the New York Easter Parade became associated with outlandish and tasteless costumes becoming a satirical comment on the parade’s former focus.


A traditional Easter treat, Peeps are marshmallow candies sold in the shape of chicks or bunnies.  They are produced by the Just Born candy company founded in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. They are made from marshmallow, corn syrup, gelatin and carnauba wax.  The yellow chicks, appropriately named Peeps, were originally created individually by hand until eventually this process was replaced by mass production.   Peeps were originally sold only seasonally to use in Easter baskets but have since expanded to include other holidays, such as Valentine’s Day, Halloween and Christmas.  The Peeps line has also expanded to include items such as lip balms, jewelry, fashion apparel and home accessories.  In 2009 the first Peeps & Co. store opened in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania with additional stores following in two other locations, Maryland and the Mall of America in Minnesota.  Their products are also available online at their website, www.peepsandcompany.com

Cabury Creme EggsCadbury Eggs

Cadbury Crème Egg is a delicious blend of a thick milk chocolate shell in the shape of an egg with a white and yellow fondant filling that is created to resemble the yolk of a real egg.  Crème Eggs are made by Cadbury UK and at the factory in Birmingham 1.5 million are made per day.  The Cadbury Brothers have been making filled eggs since 1923 but the Crème egg with its seemingly realistic egg yolk was introduced in 1963.  In the United States the Hershey Company has the marketing and distribution rights.  Over the years, Cadbury had introduced other related products such as: the Caramel Egg which is a chocolate egg with a caramel filling, the Chocolate Crème Egg with chocolate fondant filling, the Orange Crème Egg similar to the original but with an added orange flavor and the Mint Crème Egg with a green colored yolk and a mint flavored chocolate.

You may be wondering … how do they create these unique Easter treats?  The Cadbury Crème Eggs are created as two half chocolate egg shells, each is filled with white fondant and then a smaller amount of yellow fondant is added.  Both halves are joined together and as they cool the two chocolate pieces bond together to form one whole egg.  The eggs are then removed from the molds and wrapped in foil.

I hope you enjoyed this Easter trivia and maybe it will give you have some interesting facts for conversation at Easter lunch or dinner.

Happy Easter from the Enchanted Manor!

Craft – Spring Garden Gift Basket

IMG_9660Springtime brings Easter and the weather starts to turn a little warmer and our thoughts turn to the outdoors and planning our gardens.  A Spring Garden Gift Basket is a wonderful craft idea with everything inside the basket that a person would need for inspiration. Consider bring one to an Easter celebration as a gift for the host/hostess.  The basket would also make an excellent birthday gift for your family/friends or perhaps for a new neighbor as a thoughtful welcome gift.  The Spring Garden Gift Basket can be as simple or elaborate as you wish but the amount of the items used is determined by the size of the basket you choose.  Here are a few suggestions:


Spring Garden Basket  – supplies

  • One basket
  • A package of moss, used to fill the bottom of the basket
  • 3 – 4 small pots
  • Potting soil, enough to fill the pots
  • 1 large zip-loc plastic bag for the potting soil
  • 3- 4 seed packets
  • Garden tools
  • A pair of garden gloves
  • Several artificial flowers for basket decoration
  • A small garden-themed accessory (I am using a “pot-hanger” frog)
  • Raffia for a bow and a gift tag

Spring Garden Basket – instructions

  1. In a large zip-loc plastic bag add enough soil to fill the pots.  Be sure to seal the bag securely.  Stuff newspaper in the bottom of the basket; place the bag of soil on top.  Cover completely with some moss.
  2. Arrange the pots, seed packet and garden supplies in the basket.  Insert some artificial flowers for addition basket decoration.
  3. Tie a raffia bow onto the basket, attach the small garden accessory.  Be sure to include a gift tag to the basket.


Additional ideas and suggestions

  • Using a tiny water can as an accessory, fill it will some moss and insert a gift card to the local garden shop.
  • Depending on the size of the basket used, consider adding a gardening book.
  • Instead of using artificial flowers for the basket decorations, consider adding an African violet or miniature rose plant.



Decor – Easter Table Decorations

Easter tableOur Easter dinner is usually a very small gathering, most of our family live in other states, so there a just a few of us at the table.  This year I decide on using soft pastel colors and nature inspired decorations.

First, I set the table by starting with a lovely pale green tablecloth.  Then to bring in some texture and dimension to the table I add a pale green silken fabric that I bought at my local craft store for under $3/yd.  I arrange the fabric into soft gathers and place it in the center of the table; this will keep the table from appearing too “flat”.

Next, at each place setting I use a white rimmed dinner and salad plates, silver utensils and silver rimmed beverage glasses. I then place a rolled pale green napkin that match the tablecloth into a white porcelain napkin ring.  To add a nature element, I tucked a small blue butterfly on a wire into the napkin ring and it seems to fly over the place setting for a charming effect.  Finally, to add a touch of Easter to the table, at each place setting I set out a white porcelain egg cup with a white wooden egg.  These eggs will be used for our guests to make Jeweled Easter Eggs decorated with sparkling letters to personalize and crystal or pearl stickers for elegant party favors to take home.  Please check out the Craft post earlier this month for a complete list of supplies and simple instructions.  This is a fun activity to do before dinner!  Another idea is to create some additional ones, store them away with the other Easter decorations and next year display them in a silver bowl with a little bit of Spanish moss in the bottom.

Easter table centerpeice

For the table centerpiece, I placed a lovely white pitcher with a simple design of bunnies in the center of the table on top of the pale green silken fabric.  It is filled with pastel tulips in three different colors of tulips – white, pale pink and a very light green.  I think it makes a lovely spring centerpiece.  For this Easter table, I placed white bunnies on either side of the centerpiece to add a festive touch and tucked them into the pale green silken fabric.

Easter table butterflies

To complete the Easter table decorations, I tied fishing line to the dining room chandelier and hot-glued white and blue butterflies.  This final nature element gives the table an effect that the butterflies appear to be flying over the table.  Our weather outside might still have cool temperatures but it seems like it is spring has finally come into our dining room!

For a description of the additional decorations in our dining room, please check out the Décor post,  Easter Home Decorations.




Celebration – First Day of Spring

The first day of Spring this year will be March 20, 2013.

The four seasons are generally defined as: spring, summer, autumn (also known as fall) and winter.  Each season lasts three months.  The three warmest months are summer and the three coldest months are winter with the months between each of those seasons having the greatest varying of transitional temperatures.

At the time of the vernal equinox, the axis of the Earth is increasing a tilt toward the Sun and the length of daylight increases.  In our case, the Northern hemisphere begins to experience warmer temperatures.  If snow/frost are a normal part of your winter, the temperatures start to warm, the snow begins to melt and the rivers and streams begin to flow with increasing amounts of water. The flower bulbs start to break through the soil sometimes with snow still on the ground.  The crocus is a perennial that traditionally starts to bloom in late winter or early spring which is a good indication that warmer weather is coming soon.  Plants and trees also start to bloom, such as: magnolias and cherry trees.  Forsythia branches can be brought indoors and with the interior warmth of our home the flowers will magically bloom and it is a perfect way of bringing a little bit of spring indoors.  With the temperatures starting to warm, many of us start to pull out those garden catalogs that have been arriving all winter and start to plan our spring/summer gardens.

Before spring, try getting an early start to your garden planting.  Find a good spot will a sunny window, perhaps the kitchen counter, laundry room or even down in the basement with artificial lights.  Sow the seeds in potting soil in several peat pots on a tray to catch the draining water.  Under these indoor growing conditions, smaller plants seem work much better, such as a variety of herbs. As we get closer to outdoor planting time and the danger of frost is gone, we can start to sow the seeds for our garden vegetables.  (This is a great family project with small children because they can learn about the plant growth process and experience the excitement to see the plants begin to sprout!!)

Spring legends

Folklore has it that the vernal equinox is the only day of the year when an egg can be stood on its end, this is not true.  In fact, eggs are nature’s perfect symbol for life, new beginnings and the joys of springtime.

The phoenix earned its legendary immortality by refusing to eat from the forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden. Every 500 years, the bird creates a nest of herbs and spices, sits upon it and then sets itself on fire. After the fire dies down, an egg laid by the phoenix is found among the ashes. The egg hatches, and the phoenix emerges, resurrected.

Spring Cleaning

After the long winter months, we begin to emerge from our hibernation indoors.  Spring brings us renewed energy and usually that energy is turned into spring cleaning.  Below are a list rooms and some basic cleaning tips.

Kitchen –

  1. Clear the contents from both the refrigerator and freezer.  Discard any expired or spoiled items.  Thoroughly clean the interior of both the refrigerator and freezer.
  2. Don’t forget to clean the refrigerator coils, this helps with energy efficiency and will save money, too!
  3. Prepare the oven and stove by removing the burner/covers and knobs.  Thoroughly clean the interiors.  If possible, pull the oven and stove from the wall, sweep and mop the area behind.
  4. Clean the small appliances, such as: microwave, coffeemaker, toaster, blender, etc.
  5. Clear the contents from the kitchen cabinets.  Discard any expired food products or broken/chips plates, dishes and glassware.  Clean the cabinets, both interior and exterior.  Replace shelf liners if necessary.
  6. Thoroughly clean the kitchen sink, be sure the faucet and drains are running properly.  It is a good time to schedule any plumbing repairs.
  7. Clean the windows, both interior and exterior, with a streak-free cleaning solution.
  8. Finally, sweep and mop the floor.  Consider floor wax for the wooden floors.

Bathroom –

  1. Remove items from the medicine cabinet.  Discard any expired prescriptions or medicines.  Clean both the interior and exterior.  Take an inventory of supplies and replenish needed items.
  2. Clear the contents of the bathroom cabinets.  Now is a great time to replace worn towels and purchase new ones.  (Consider donating the old towels to the local animal shelter)  Think about adding new bath soaps/oils and new candles to create a spa-like environment.
  3. Thoroughly clean the tub, shower and toilet.  Please sure to check that all faucets, shower heads, toilets and sink drains are functioning properly.  Schedule any repairs if needed.  Replace the shower curtain and liner; these inexpensive items can help to give the bathroom a fresh look!
  4.  Clean the mirrors and windows with a streak-free cleaning solution.

Bedroom –

  1. Remove all the bed linens, including comforter, fitted and regular sheets, pillow case/protective covers, mattress pads and bed skirts.  (Always check the product labels for the correct cleaning instructions) Most of these items can be cleaned in the washing machine and dried in the dryer, just be cautious NOT overload the machines.    Now is also a great time to replace any worn linens and buy new ones.
  2. Most pillows can be cleaned in the washing machine, be sure to check the label for instructions.  I recommend a maximum of two pillows in the machines at a time and also to completely dry the pillows to avoid dampness that could create mold later.  If a couple of clean tennis balls are added to the dryer, the pillows will return to their normal fluffy shape.
  3. With the bed stripped of the bed linens, it is a good time to flip the bare mattress.  This will create even wear and extend the life of the mattress.
  4. Clear the contents of the dresser and nightstands, use a vacuum to clean the drawers.  Clean both the interior and exterior surfaces.
  5. Remove and clean window coverings.  (Always check the product labels for the proper cleaning instructions, some curtains can only be dry-cleaned)  Consider switching out heavy curtains with a lighter fabric. If the window covering has blinds, carefully clean the dust build-up using a vacuum with special attachment.
  6. Wash windows, both interior and exterior with a streak-free cleaning solution.
  7. Clear the clothes from the bedroom closet.  Now is a great time to determine items to keep, repair, donate or toss.  Make a list of clothing and other items need.  Store the winter clothing in containers and be sure to label the contents.  Dust the shelves before returning the clothing and other items to the closet.
  8. Clean the floors, vacuum the carpet or sweep/mop.

Living room –

  1. Vacuum the floors, now is a great time to consider purchasing or renting a carpet cleaner or hiring a professional company for the entire house.  Also while the furniture is removed for the deep-cleaning, consider rearranging the floor plan.
  2. Cleaning units can also be used for large furniture, such as: sofa and chairs.  If sofa covers are used, remove and clean them.  Afterwards, take the opportunity to add more spring inspired pillows.
  3. Remove everything from the display shelves, dust the surfaces and each item before replacing them back on the shelves.  Take the opportunity to change photos and decorative items, replace with more spring/summer accessories.
  4. Be careful when cleaning the TV screen, it does make a difference and the picture will clearer and sharper.
  5. Dust the lamps; don’t forget the lampshade interior and exterior.
  6. Remove and clean window coverings.  (Always check the product labels for the proper cleaning instructions, some curtains can only be dry-cleaned)  Consider switching out heavy curtains with a lighter fabric. If the window covering has blinds, carefully clean the dust build-up using a vacuum with special attachment.
  7. Clean the windows, both interior and exterior, with a streak-free cleaning solution.

General tips –

  1. Clean the air conditioning filter.
  2. Polish the wood or metal hardware, such as doorknobs, etc.
  3. Dust large wall art and any display photographs.
  4. Wipe down light switches.
  5. Replace batteries in smoke detectors.
  6. Take this opportunity to change the light bulbs to more energy efficient ones.


Travel – Mission San Juan Capistrano

Mission San Juan CapistranoMarch 19, St. Joseph’s Day, traditionally is the day the swallows return to the Mission San Juan Capistrano in California.  Legend has it that when an angry innkeeper had destroyed their nests and the swallows took refuge in the old mission and then returned every spring.

San Juan Capistrano swallowsThe American Cliff Swallow is a migratory bird, which for several centuries, has traveled a distance of over 6,000 miles from their winter home in Argentina to this area of Southern California in the spring and summer.  “Scout” swallows usually precede and the main flock slowly follows, usually arriving on March 19, and the old Mission bells would be rung in celebration.  The San Juan Capistrano Mission area is perfectly located near two rivers where a constant supply of insects is available as a food source and the swallows built their mud nests under the eaves and archways of the Mission, where they are protected within the walls of the old stone church.  Then, just as the swallows suddenly arrived, they will leave the area on St. John’s Day, October 23, to travel south and back to Argentina.

After the 1912 Earthquake, in which the Mission Chapel was severely damaged, an article appeared in a 1915 magazine that reported on the unique phenomenon of the swallows’ annual habit.  In hopes of turning the public interest into revenue for the Mission’s restoration project, festivities were planned to draw the tourists to visit the area.  As the years passed, this annual event received world notice with radio programs, then television stations reporting on the news of the swallows’ arrival.

In recent years, the swallows have decreased their population from previous seasons.  This could be connected to a major increase in the housing development in the area which limited their choices of nesting places and has also affected the decrease in insects for the swallows to eat.

The City of San Juan Capistrano holds a week-long celebration known as the Fiesta de las Golondrinas.  Visitors come from around the world to gather and witness the famous return of the swallows to the Mission San Juan Capistrano.  For more information regarding the festival, please see the website www.swallowsparade.com

Mission San juan Capistrano 1    Mission San Juan Capistrano mission bells from interior

A brief history of the Mission San Juan Capistrano

Seventh in the chain of the 21 California mission settlements of the Catholic Franciscan padres, the Mission San Juan Capistrano was founded by Junipero Serra, on November 1, 1776.  The mission was named for the Italian Crusader, Saint John of Capistrano.  Built first as a small adobe church 1778, it was later replaced by a much large church to accommodate the growing population in 1782 and has the distinction of being one of the oldest buildings still in use in California.

Hoping to build a truly magnificent church, the padres hired a master stonemason who designed a doomed roof structure made of stone as opposed to the flat wood roofs of the other California Missions.  The building was built with stones quarried from the local creek beds and carried to the site by oxen.  Limestone was crushed into a powder to create a mortar for the stones when the walls of the mission were built.  Constructed in the style of the European churches, the floors were paved with diamond shaped tiles and brick-lined niches displayed statues of the saints. The mission chapel, known as “The Great Stone Church”, was a large 115 foot building constructed in the shape of a cross with a 120 foot tall bell lower (campanile) near the main entrance.  At the time, the bell tower could be seen for over 10 miles and the bells could be heard from even farther away.

When construction was completed, it included not only the chapel but also living quarters for the padres and their staff, kitchens and storerooms, workshops and barracks for the soldiers.   These buildings formed a quadrangle that was efficient for the daily life at the mission but more importantly for defense against the sometimes hostile natives.  Overall, the Mission proved to be a very successful settlement and the padres converted a large number of natives to Christianity.  In 1796, over a thousand people lived in or around the Mission compound.

In 1812, a devastating earthquake occurred during Sunday mass and over 40 people lost their lives when they were trapped inside, unable to open the doors, as the walls and the ceiling of the church collapsed.  Two boys, who were ringing the bells for the service, and were also killed when the bell tower collapsed.  Sadly from this tragic event, a festival celebrating the annual return of the swallows to the Mission San Juan Capistrano was used to raise funds to repair and rebuild the church and surrounding buildings.

Over the years, the mission proved to be a very successful settlement but there were still occasional setbacks in the daily life of the Mission, such as severe storms, followed by flooding which damaged more buildings, disease to the cattle herd and crops ruined by drought.  There was even a pirate raid in 1818, when the French pirate Bouchard and his men attacked and engaged in a battle with the Mission soldiers, they looted the Mission warehouses and destroyed several buildings.  Finally, even before Mexico gained their independence from Spain in 1821, the population of the Mission had started a slow decline.  The mission system was abandoned in 1833 with the Secularization Act, which lead to the further settlement of California, and the missions’ property and land were sold to private interests.

Interesting information and facts about the Mission San Juan Capistrano

  1. The Mission San Juan Capistrano chapel is sometimes referred to as the Serra Chapel because it is the only known existing structure with documented proof and distinct honor of having Junipero Serra officiating mass at this  specific location.
  2. The bells were an important part of the daily life at the California Missions.  They were rung at mealtimes and to signal the people to work and to religious services such as mass, baptisms or funerals.  The four Mission San Juan Capistrano bells were all given names.  The names from largest to smallest are: San Vicente, San Juan, San Antonio and San Rafael with each bell displaying a Latin inscription.  The two largest bells cracked and split open during the 1812 earthquake and were never rung again due to the damage.  Within a year a brick bell wall (campanario) had been erected between the ruins of the stone church and the Mission’s first chapel and all four Mission bells were re-hung there.
  3. Mission San Juan Capistrano was the location of California’s first vineyard.  In 1779, the Criollo grape plantings from Spain/Mexico were cultivated and became the only grape used throughout the Mission system.  The first winery was also built in San Juan Capistrano in 1783 and the “Mission” grapes produced both red and white wines.
  4. Father John O’Sullivan is the person credited for recognizing the Mission San Juan Capistrano’s historical value to California.  He led efforts to bring national, then world attention to the swallows’ annual return to Capistrano.  He used the event as an opportunity to raise funds to rebuild the Mission after the 1912 earthquake.  He is buried at the entrance to the cemetery and there is a statue at the front of his crypt.
  5. There is a song inspired by the swallows which was written by Leon Rene, “When the Swallows Come Back to Capistrano”.  It has been recorded over the years by musicians such as Guy Lombardo, Glenn Miller and Pat Boone.  There is a room at the Mission San Juan Capistrano to honor the composter, which displays the piano he used to compose the song, copies of the sheet music and other memorabilia donated by the Rene family.