This Easter I wanted to create beautiful Floral Eggs to add to our Easter decorations. I had seen these types of eggs in magazines and I thought they looked different from the other Easter Eggs that I had previously made. When shopping in the local craft store I found several colors of small plastic flowers that would be perfect for the craft project.
Below is a list of supplies and instructions to make the Floral Eggs:
Floral Easter Egg supplies
- Wooden egg (be sure to purchase one with a flat base)
- Small flowers (when shopping for supplies calculate the amount of flowers required to cover the surface of the egg)
- Paint (to match the color of the flowers selected)
- Scissors (for clipping the flowers from the stem)
- Hot glue gun and glue sticks
- Sandpaper (optional)
Floral Easter Egg instructions
- Start by sanding any rough edges of the wooden eggs (this is considered optional)
- Paint the entire surface of the wooden egg with the exception of the bottom, let paint dry completely.
- Prepare the flowers by snipping the flowers from the stems (be sure to clip the flowers as close to the bottom as possible, this will help the flowers sit flat against the wooden egg)
- Start at the top of the wooden egg and glue the first flower, work down the surface of the egg placing each flower tightly together. (Craft Tip: when I first started this craft project I glued each flower one at a time. Then, I found a faster way but putting a one inch section of hot glue on the wooden egg and quickly placing several flowers at one time)

Other types of supplies can be used to create different Easter egg variations, simply following steps 1, 2, skip 3 and 4.
- Pearls beads – white, ivory or a variety of colors can be used
- Crystals beads – clear, aurora borealis or a variety of colors can be used
For additional ideas for decorating a home or creating a wonderful variety of decorated Easter eggs with complete instructions and supply lists, please click on the following links: Elegant Easter Eggs décor post, Faberge Inspired Eggs and Elegant Eggs craft post.